
Tuesday 27 August 2013

#The SO Project | Skincare

Hiya guys! So it's here! The debut post of #TheSOProject. I am super excited to share with you guys what product I would recommend as a good starting off SKINCARE product.

If you haven't guessed from the pictures already, I would highly advise a good exfoliant/faical scrub for, not just newbies but everyone as it contributes to keeping your skin super healthy. The one that I use, Neutrogena-Visibly Clear Daily Scrub - Pink Grapefruit is absolutely gorgeous! First of all, the smell of the pink grapefruit is -two words- Pure Heaven.

What  is an exfoliant/facial scrub?
These are liquids which often contain grains in the form of beads or even natural salts designed to gently remove dead skin cells whilst softening and cleansing your skin in the process. Because this scrub in particular is supposed to remove spots/acne and blemishes, along with other exfoliants, they are designed to remove oils including natural oils as it is these oils which contain the bacteria which produces acne. 

Exfoliants in the form of scrubs are classified as 'Physical Exfoliants' as they are purchased over the counter but also as I said before, contain grains to help remove the dead skin cells and a serum to cleanse and brighten your skin in the process. Although some may say this type of exfoliant isn't good for people with severe acne as the grains can inflame it even more, I find that the liquid serum containing the grains gives the whole product a smoother and softer feel. An alternative to physical exfoliants are 'Chemical Exfoliants' which do not contain grains but have certain chemicals in them designed to tackle excess oils which lead to acne.

How to use it?
I find it best to exfoliate in the shower or bath as I usually get water everywhere! But doing it with a sink is just as effective. First you wet your face with warm water as it gives off the best results with a wet face. Second you squeeze the exfoliant into you hands and rub it together until it lathers and gets soapy. Then you rub it in and EXFOLIATE around your face avoiding your sensitive eyes. Be sure to do this in a circular movement getting your oily, blemishes and big pore spots to eliminate those dead skin cells and unwanted oils. Finally rinse off the exfoliant repeatedly until all the soap is removed. After your face dries, be sure to moisturize as exfoliation really dries out your skin. Oh and don't forget to admire your SMOOTH face afterward!

Repeat this once-twice a week if you have dry skin or twice-four times a week if you have oily skin

You should only ever use one face scrub at a time as multiple brands can lead to unwanted rashes so when choosing your own face scrub, stick to it! So the Neutrogena-Visibly Clear Face Scrub-Pink Grapefruit wins it for me although I have tried a Witch brand before which you can find out about here. I really liked it but the smell of the Neutrogena, won me over!

You can get the product from Boots or Superdrug. With both at around £3, it's a must have!

Hope you liked the post and see you next week Tuesday at 6pm for The Starting Off Project WEEK2-Concealer.

Lots of Love,

♥ Charlotte Mariaa ♥

#The SO Project | INTRO

Hiya guys! How are you all today? Well today's post is about The SO Project. Now if you have not heard about this already, it is a project created by Stephanie Mapplebeck that is supposed to help out and encourage make up newbies and teens to get the gist of make-up and all things beauty; hence the SO standing for Starting Off. 

As soon as I heard about the project, I was all up for it seeing as I had been out of the blogging world for a while (if you consider three posts as IN the blogging world...) and thought this would motivate me to come back and do the thing that makes me really happy (okay cheesy much? haha). Anywho... you are probably wondering why me, a newbie would even bother trying to give advice to other newbies? Well it's simply because I got introduced properly to make-up about a year ago so am fresh out of the newbie stage infact, yes I probably am still in it...but my point, is that the advice I will (try) to give should (hopefully) be fresh and recent :)

The series will be every Tuesday for the next 10 weeks.

WEEK1 is Skincare so tune in today at 6 for my view on the best skincare product for newbies/teens.

REMEBER: every Tuesday at 6:00pm is a new topic ! Also check out #TheSOProject on twitter and don't forget to look at all the other wonderful #SO bloggers' blogs who are willing to help newbies get a start in this crazy life of make-up and beauty. 

I am really excited about this and I hope you guys are too!

Have an amazing day,

Lots of Love

♥ Charlotte Mariaa ♥